For four generations Janitronics Building Services, which is locally owned and managed, has worked with its clients to enhance the investment value of their properties by providing responsive and comprehensive building services.
Janitronics takes ESG performance seriously. We are committed to corporate responsibility and monitoring our environmental, social, and governance metrics to track our progress and communicate with our stakeholders. As we complete our third year of reporting, we continue to make noticeable improvements and ongoing commitments to this program.
You can read our current DE&I Policy by clicking here.
You can read our Supplier Code of Conduct by clicking here.
Our company benefits from our ESG-related projects in that they help us see deeper into our operations, reduce risk, improve customer relations, and assure us we have the absolute best staff and capacities to meet our clients’ needs.
Building on our existing work, we continue calculating our corporate-wide greenhouse gas inventory, as well as fully assessing our social, economic and governance practices. We are committed to diversity, inclusivity, and equity, and being best in class for our industry. Janitronics does a lot for the community, and our teammates. We are on a solid path of corporate sustainability and ongoing value creation for our stakeholders.
Some highlights of our ESG efforts to date include:
For the Environment, we:
• Achieved carbon neutrality for our operational footprint for the thrid year in a row
• Completed our fourth consecutive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory and saw reductions in both our total emissions and emissions per employee compared to 2022’s restated values.
•Procured renewable energy for our corporate electricity use via Renewable Energy Credits (RECs).
• Transitioned 58 clients to our dropship offering, streamlining our delivery systems, and reducing miles travelled on supply orders.
•Included various sustainable attributes into our newly operational Life Science Training Center.
• Added 5 electric and hybrid vehicles to our corproate fleet
• Maintained a strong recycling system in our office, diverting 88% of waste annually
• Continued to supplement plentiful natural light with LED bulbs, use a paperless timecard and payroll system, and reduce waste through badge-operated printing.
For our People, we:
• Trained all employees in diversity, equity, and inclusion annually by the end of 2023
• Conducted an employee engagement survey to provide a safe place to voice their opinions, concerns, and ideas from where they are seated within the organization
• Continued our formal 60-day check-in to identify gaps in our onboarding system and ensure new employees have all the tools for success
• Continued Offering tuition reimbursement for continued education and certifications including CIMS, Fitwel, NYU Stern, cGMP, and others
• Continued our efforts to improve accessibility and equity for our highly diverse employee base
• Maintained a comprehensive occupational health and safety management system that is compliant with federal, state, and local regulations
• Began our Fitwel certification for our Waltham headquarters
For our Community, we:
• Allocated 94% of our procurement spend to local suppliers and hired 100% of our management team from the Boston area
• Completed over 700 hours of volunteering in 2023, an almost fivefold increase from 2022
• Our community events largely categorized into three areas: supporting veterans,increasing food security, and providing for children
• Donated more than $190,000 to a variety of charitable causes
• Earned the Boston Business Journal’s Corporate Citizenship Award in 2023 for the 11th consecutive year
• Continued to participate in many Boston- and Massachusetts-centered organizations, including the Commercial Real Estate Development Association (NAIOP MA), the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA Boston), and MassEcon
• Used the lens of ESG to see into our operations for further improvements
In terms of Governance, we:
• Discussed ESG weekly at the executive and committee levels, with management involved across all sites
• Formalized our DEI policy
• To ensure alignment with ESG best practices, we continued to work with external consultants and industry experts to guide our initiatives
• Reported our progress to ownership quarterly and to the public annually, ensuring transparency by complying with GRI guidelines
• Regularly updated our data privacy protocols to align with best practices
• Zero privacy breaches in 2023
• Maintained close connections with our stakeholders
• Numerous memberships in local and industry groups kept us connected to the Greater Boston community
• Published a Supplier Code of Conduct (Supplier Code) that provides suppliers with our expectations and guidelines regarding responsible sourcing
• Scheduled regular in-person or virtual conversations to foster open lines of communication
We shall communicate our formal, documented sustainability policy and efforts annually. We will continue to collect existing information, develop and update the appropriate framework, analyze our processes, and draft a comprehensive statements regularly. We will post our ESG reports to our website for all stakeholders (internal and external) to have access and create full transparency.