Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak
March 13, 2020 Update
The current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak continues to evolve and the World Health Organization (WHO) recently characterized COVID-19 as a pandemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely monitoring this situation and is working with state and local public health partners to respond to this rapidly evolving public health threat. Janitronics Building Services COVID-19 Committee continues to monitor the current reports and guidance from public health officials and implement their recommendations into our operations.
As a reminder Janitronics Building Services is proactively:
• Coordinating with building staff and our primary vendors regarding guidance to minimize the virus spread.
• Enhancing contingency plans to maintain essential janitorial operations in a limited staffing situation.
• Travel Policy updates have been implemented following the CDC’s current Travel Guidance, Janitronics currently prohibits its employees from business travel to the areas designated by the CDC as Level 3 or higher, to include all designated European countries as of 3/12/20. Our personal travel policy is consistent with business travel guidelines.
• Continuing evening cleaning using disinfectant solutions during the regular evening cleaning of all restrooms and in the first-floor building entrance lobbies, all doors, door handles and knobs, elevator buttons and panels, and other commonly touched areas.
• Continuing day cleaning where day staff is contracted using disinfectant solutions in restrooms, first floor entrance lobbies, all doors, door handles and knobs, elevator buttons and panels, and other commonly touched areas throughout the business day.
• Providing additional cleaning services at a tenant’s request. Any cleaning services beyond the building standard will be a billable work order to the tenant.
• If a building or tenant client is closed, we plan to continue to provide services daily/nightly and focus on disinfecting and continue with routine cleaning assignments.
Additionally, we encourage all clients and tenants to:
• Promote individual everyday preventive actions per the CDC
• Review the CDC’s Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers
• Share the CDC’s guidance on preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the U.S.
Should you have any further questions or concerns, please contact David J. Connolly at 781.647.5570 or david@janitronics.com
Rest assured, we are monitoring this developing situation closely, staying in regular contact with federal agencies, health organizations, and other experts. We've developed a host of resources to keep you informed and updated along the way. Thank you for your patience and trust in Janitronics Building Services. We are prepared to navigate through these challenging circumstances with your safety and confidence in mind.